Sunday, January 30, 2011

The good. The bad. The ugly.

While being intrapersonal is awesome, being intrapersonal has its downfalls too.

The Good 
-The want to always do what your goal is/what you're motivated to do
-The want to make sure you are always okay emotionally
-Having self-motivation to reach your goals
-The drive to reach perfection
-The ability to examine your self on your own 
-Can do task easily and quickly with out the distractions of others

The Bad
- Tendency to exclude oneself from a social situation/group situation
- May have lower social skills
- While being a perfectionist has its pros, it also can hurt you. Not everything can be perfect.

The Ugly
-  Being too critical of one self. 
- Over analyzing a situation or a relationship

Famous People with Intrapersonal Intelligence!



Joan of Arc

Mahatma Gandhi

Mother Teresa

How to develop your Intrapersonal Intelligence

  • Keep a diary, focusing on feelings.
  • Set yourself daily achievement targets.
  • Consider what things (or people) cause you stress and the strategies you employ to minimise their effect.
  • To help you become more aware of your own feelings, take a 10 minute break during the day to sit quietly and reflect on the past few hours' events and the impact they had on you.

Some hobbies include:
  • Yoga and pilates
  • Visiting museums and places of historical interest
  • Family genealogy
  • Reading biographies and historical novels
  • Painting or drawing

Intrapersonal Careers!

Some great careers for people with intrapersonal intelligence:

  • Psychologist
  • Philosopher
  • Theologian
  • Lawyer
  • Law enforcement
  • Writer
  • Artist
  • Poet
  • Photographer
  • Therapist
  • Counselor
... or anything else that allows you to examine yourself or tap into your creative flow!

How to learn intrapersonally !

Learning intrapersonally can be easy with a little effort. Since, intrapersonal learners focus in on themselves while learning, intrapersonal learning styles include activities that involve "me-time".

Intrapersonal activities that can better your grades!!
-Goal setting
-Goal and grades reflections
-Evaluating success
-When turning in projects: grading yourself
-build a mind map about certain topics/subjects to see your thought process
-use high order reasoning skills

How you can strengthen your intrapersonal intelligence!
-keeping a daily journal, diary, or blog
-mood tracking 
-imagine having dialogs with historical or famous figures
-talk about feelings with others
-take time to meditate, reflect, and think


What is intrapersonal intelligence all about?

Intrapersonal intelligence, an intelligence stemming from Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, states that people with high intrapersonal intelligence have a higher ability to self-reflect and a higher ability at being aware of their own feelings and emotions. Also, people with high intrapersonal intelligence can analyze their own feelings, desires, dreams, relationships with others, and their own strengths and weaknesses easily. People with a high intrapersonal intelligence prefer and learn better by working alone. Also, because of their high self-awareness, intrapersonal intelligent people know what their need in most settings. Finally, intrapersonal learners are usually very highly motivated due to a practically innate understanding of what they need.

Personality Characteristics
  • introverted
  • philosophical
  • perfectionist
  • independent
  • self-aware
  • intuitive
  • strives for self-actualization
  • realistic
  • ethical

People with intrapersonal intelligence also:

Are usually well motivated and determined.

Possess a strong sense of identity and purpose.

Probably prefer to work alone and may appear shy.

Are reflective thinkers: may appear to be a daydreamer.

Are goal-setters.